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Senate Bill 206 - 135th General Assembly

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Legislation General Information

Establish process for selling abandoned or derelict aircraft

  Long Title +
To amend sections 155.34, 1311.04, 1311.71, 1311.72, 1311.73, 1311.75, 1311.76, 1311.77, 4561.01, 5301.25, 5322.03, 5322.06, 5721.06, 5721.32, 5721.33, 5721.35, and 5721.37 and to enact sections 1311.721, 4561.26, and 4561.27 of the Revised Code to establish a process by which an abandoned or derelict aircraft may be sold, to modify the law governing mechanics' liens, to make changes to the law regarding self-service storage facilities, to modify the rules governing the priority of liens after a property tax certificate sale, and to increase the term of the standard oil and gas lease for state land.
Introduced In House Checked Introduced In House
In House Committee Checked In House Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By House Checked Passed By House
Introduced In Senate Checked Introduced In Senate
In Senate Committee Checked In Senate Committee
Reported By Committee Checked Reported By Committee
Passed By Senate Checked Passed By Senate
Sent To The Governor Unchecked Sent To The Governor

Current Version

As Passed by the House
View Bill Text (PDF)


Commerce Transportation Transportation: Air and Rail Transport


House Civil Justice Committee Senate Transportation Committee

Legislation Documents

Legislation Text

As Passed By House (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Passed By Senate (PDF)
As Reported By Senate Committee (PDF)
As Introduced (PDF)


As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Passed By Senate (PDF)
As Reported By Senate Committee (PDF)
As Introduced (PDF)

Fiscal Notes

As Passed By House (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Reported By House Committee (PDF)
As Passed By Senate (PDF)
As Reported By Senate Committee (PDF)
As Introduced (PDF)

Additional Documents Notes

Synopsis of House Committee Amendments (PDF)