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By Rep. Cheryl Grossman
June 3, 2013

When I first read reports that grades and other records were being manipulated to improve performance ratings at Columbus schools, I was very disappointed—almost to a point of embarrassment that this could happen in Franklin County. Knowing that many students in Columbus City Schools are already struggling, the behavior of those who changed the data only highlighted the many challenges we face in preparing our young people for success. Something had to be done.


State Representative Marlene Anielski (R-Independence) has announced that the Ohio House of Representatives yesterday passed House Bill 149, which designates September 10th as “Ohio Suicide Prevention Day.”

Bill Provides More Information on Potentially Dangerous Suspects
May 29, 2013
House Passes Deputy Suzanne Hopper Act

The Ohio House of Representatives unanimously passed Senate Bill 7, also known as the “Deputy Suzanne Hopper Act,” which will provide law enforcement officers with information on suspects with a history of mental illness.

Ohio House Passes H.B. 167, the "Columbus School Plan"

The Ohio House of Representatives passed H.B. 167, legislation that establishes several new statutes for a school district with an average daily membership of more than 60,000 students located in primarily a city of 700,000 or greater.


Rep. Ron Amstutz, chairman of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee, discusses the state operating budget bill on "Ohio in Focus."


State Representatives Anne Gonzales (R-Westerville) and Wes Retherford (R-Hamilton) today applauded the Ohio House’s passage of House Bill 98, legislation that strives to assist Ohio’s newest generation of veterans by helping them find employment upon returning home from deployment.

Ohio House, local boards of elections confirm Rep. Landis' fair election to 98th district seat
May 22, 2013

With the decision by the Ohio House of Representatives to uphold the election of Rep. Al Landis (R-Dover) as a member of the Ohio House and to support the unanimous decision of both the Tuscarawas and Holmes county boards of elections, House Speaker Pro Tempore Matt Huffman (R-Lima) released the following statement.

Bill expected to receive a full House vote soon
May 22, 2013
Rep. Grossman Releases Statement on "Columbus School Plan"

With House Education Committee hearings on House Bill 167, the “Columbus School Plan,” starting, State Representative Cheryl Grossman (R-Grove City), who is sponsoring the legislation, released the following statement.


The Ohio House of Representatives today passed Senate Bill 115, legislation to strengthen the sweepstakes parlor moratorium language that was passed during the 129th General Assembly.