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Ohio Democrats Push for Additional Public Hearings

September 22, 2023
Democratic Newsroom

COLUMBUS– Co-Chair of the Ohio Redistricting Commission and Senate Minority Leader Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) and House Minority Leader Allison Russo (D-Upper Arlington) today released statements following the Ohio Redistricting Commission’s first public hearing at Deer Creek State Park in Mt. Sterling, Ohio.

“I’m thankful to the Ohioans who came and testified in favor of fair maps today, but it’s unfortunate that so few were able to make it given the time of day, location and short notice,” said Leader Antonio. “As co-chair, I will make every effort to ensure more Ohioans get the time and opportunity to share their thoughts on the maps and this process.”

“These hearings are meant to be a vital part of the process which gives the people a chance to be heard. The fact it was announced barely 24 hours ago and placed at a remote location at 10 a.m. when a majority of Ohioans are working shows you what the Republican-controlled commission thinks of hearing from the people. I’m disappointed, and the people of Ohio should be too,” said Leader Russo. “Hundreds of citizens took advantage of this opportunity last time the commission introduced maps. Politicians continue to rig the process against citizens with no regard for fair play or the constitution.” 

The ORC has scheduled two more statewide meetings on the flawed maps introduced by Republicans on the following days:

  • 10:00 a.m. Monday, September 25 at Punderson Manor in NE Ohio
  • 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 26 in the Senate Finance Hearing Room at the Ohio Statehouse

Since the hearing on Monday, September 25 falls on Yom Kippur, the ORC will seek to schedule an additional public hearing.

You can watch the hearings live on The Ohio Channel here