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COLUMBUS—State Representative Jim Butler (R-Oakwood) will be holding a press conference tomorrow to unveil legislation he is introducing that creates a new, innovative plan for increasing financial incentives for curing major diseases.
COLUMBUS—Speaker of the Ohio House Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) has appointed State Representative Kyle Koehler (R-Springfield) to the Ohio Family Stability Commission.
COLUMBUS— State Representatives Wesley A. Goodman (R-Cardington) and Andrew Brenner (R-Powell) announced today that they are introducing the Ohio Campus Free Speech Act.
COLUMBUS—State Representative Laura Lanese (R-Grove City) recently introduced legislation that would designate a shelter pet as Ohio’s official state pet.
Guest Column from Representative Steve Huffman: Prioritizing Education As the New School Year Begins
It’s hard to believe, but another school term has begun. With summer winding down and more school buses on the streets, students all across Ohio are entering the classroom again or beginning a new chapter in their educational journey. College students and those in vocational or tech schools are also gearing up for a new school year. As state legislators, one of our top priorities is ensuring that our children are able to receive a quality education that sets them up for future success.
COLUMBUS—Speaker of the Ohio House Clifford A. Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) today announced that State Representative Margy Conditt (R-Liberty Township) will be resigning from her seat in the Ohio House, effective September 8th.
COLUMBUS, OHIO – State Representatives Mike Duffey (R-Worthington) and Bob Cupp (R-Lima) today announced plans to partner with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien to introduce new legislation to strengthen Ohio’s child-enticement law.
COLUMBUS—State Representative Jeffery Rezabek (R-Clayton) today announced that the Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board and the Capitol Square Foundation will open their online application process for school transportation grants on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
One of the best parts about Ohio in the summer and fall is the vast number of state parks we have to enjoy, each providing a variety of activities in which to partake over the weekend or for a family vacation, all without having to travel across state lines. In addition to its 74 state parks, Ohio is home to 21 state forests, 136 nature preserves, and 117 wildlife areas, encompassing almost 600,000 acres of land.
Ohio is truly a treasure of natural wonder, with a variety of different landscapes from the plains of the northwest to the rolling hills of the south. Our 74 state parks offer a great opportunity to experience our state’s scenery while partaking in a number of unique family-friendly activities. Ohio is also home to 21 state forests, 136 nature preserves, and 117 wildlife areas, comprising almost 600,000 acres of land.